Combat Brain Training is the most powerful Peak Performance program on earth!

For 20 years Kennedy Consulting Group (KCG) helped the C-level of some of Americas’ largest companies transform operations and rescue high profile projects. The critical methodology was the Kennedy Method which prioritized simplicity as the ultimate key to execution.

In 2007, based on this success, the DOD gave KCG a contract to try to solve two serious problems. The first was to reduce casualties in combat by improving faster better decision making under stress and as well as intuition, focus and the ability to get into the “zone” or Flow. The second was to accelerate recovery from the “wounds of war” PTSD, concussions, depression, anxiety, etc. Up to that point they were treated with completely different modalities.

The innovative Kennedy Method was used to find the common denominator, which was the brain’s ability to process information efficiently and then develop a program to accomplish this as quickly as possible. The result was the world’s first Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT) program designed to target pre-defined foundational underlying mental processes we call cognitive skills. Research from MIT was used to develop a special type of neuroplasticity stimulation which would start to physically change the brain immediately, not just in a week, or month. Using an Agile approach created continuous improvement and the ability to quickly customize to every situation. This became Combat Brain Training.

To date thousands and thousands of people have benefitted from CBT in person and over Zoom, individually, with families, in teams, workshops and conferences and corporate events. These include high performers looking for an edge and those struggling with ADHD, autism, strokes and dementia. The non-digital engaging exercises are powerful enough to help professional athletes and military elites, but simple enough that a 6-year-old can do. Amazingly, most people notice measurable results in less than an hour.

So, do you want to know how we can help you?

1) Open your browser and go to


2) Type in "how can combat brain training by John Kennedy _________"

3) Put whatever area of your life, personal or professional you'd like to improve in the blank.

4) After you get your answer come back here and fill out the contact us form and put in how we can help you.

Learn more at our YouTube channel or watch this interview with Founder John Kennedy:

You can take a basic Combat Brain Training video course here:

You can also speak directly with a certified Brain Coach:

Now that you know we can help you, contact us to learn about the specifics: